The possibilities are endless...

I'm officially on summer break! For two whole months, I get to do whatever I want and get paid my regular salary the whole time. I've taken on a personal mission, which I've devoted a whole page to. At the beginning of every summer, I make a list of things I'd like to do while I'm off of work. This list seems to never get done, yet here I am, ready to create another one. I'm hoping to be able to look back at the end of the summer and feel a sense of accomplishment. So without further adieu, here is my list of things I would like to do this summer:

  • Read 5 books. I have way more than that that need reading, but I'm going to be realistic in my goal. This does not include the book that I am currently half way through.
  • Finish knitting the Spirit Skirt. I started this skirt last summer. I'd like to be able to wear it this winter. I am about 95% done with it, as I have done quite a bit of work on it since the last day of school.
  • Finish knitting my beach sweater. I was hoping to have this finished for my first trip to the beach this season, but I need to buy more yarn. Besides, a trip to the beach is scheduled for Monday (in 2 days), so this goal is going to evolve into getting it finished so I can wear it at least once to the beach before the end of the season.
  • Finish present for a friend. This has a deadline of July 11th (my birthday), because said-friend is coming to visit and I'd like to have her birthday present finished by then (her birthday was in February).
  • Watch 5 new movies. Like my un-read book collection, I have a stack of dvds that I have never seen for a variety of reasons. One of the movies must be "The Number 23". I'm a sad Jim Carrey fan. I've had this dvd since it came out and I've still never watched it.
  • Finish knitting my short-sleeved winter sweater. Yes, another knitting project to be finished. However, if I finish this one, all of my projects will be finished, and that will just be awesome.

So, it's a Saturday night (not that it matters in the summer what night it is), and future hubby and I are probably going to watch "Avatar" for the first time from the OnDemand Channel. Seems like a good time to get some knitting done.

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