Weekly Dose of Joey (or perhaps Faye?)

There are two kinds of people in this world, those who take naps, and those who don’t. I am a person who does. I don’t know if my desire to sleep in the middle of the day comes from an unhealthy lifestyle that consists of junk food and a lack of exercise or the stress and anxiety that I sometimes feel due to making a mistake at work and fearing the consequences. Maybe it’s genetic, my mom is an avid nap-taker. I have programmed myself to not call her during certain hours of the afternoon because I can be assured of waking her up in the middle of sleep. Perhaps my tendency to snooze during daylight is connected to my teenage mentality. I will be turning 30 in a little less than a month, yet I still feel as though my teenage years are still within reaching distance. Teenagers love to sleep, and perhaps my connection to my youth is still making me sleepy. Whatever the reason, this afternoon, I found myself lying in bed covered in my favorite childhood blanket, with my cat, Faye, laying on my stomach and my eyes quickly shutting as I soaked in the relaxation of the afternoon.

Whenever I choose my bed over the couch as my napping location, I can be sure that I oversleep the typical hour to an hour and a half napping duration. Today I set my alarm for two hours before drifting off. When I choose my bed, I can also be assured of a deeper sleep...the room is darker and cooler, and the bed is more comfortable. Sometime in the two hours of my deep, relaxing sleep, either Joey or Faye made their move and attacked one of my many knitting bags. Upon waking up and stumbling back into the living room, I found that my recently finished sock was laying in the middle of the living room next to the bag that it is stored in. The yarn destined for the second sock and my sock needles were still in the bag. This was not a quick job. Not like the times the cat(s) pull something off my craft table for attention, this sock had stitches pulled loose, cat hair woven in, and a large wet spot right in the middle. This sock had not just been pulled out of the bag to get my attention, whoever the culprit was, took my nap as an opportunity to roll around and play with the sock, which was knit from 100% merino, a natural fiber that the cat(s) are quite fond of. They ignore every other synthetic yarn I knit with, but anything made from natural fiber, it's a challenge keeping them away.

I'm not 100% sure which cat it was, it could have been Joey, but more likely it was Faye, given her history of running off with my knitting even when I'm not napping. No matter the culprit, the evidence has been restored to it's original state as best as I can get it, and put up out of reach. If I have to stand on my tip-toes to get the bag down now, I am hoping that the felines won't be able to get to it either.

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Anonymous said...

I, on the other hand, am not a napper. I never have been. I blame it partly on the fact that I am just generally not a great sleeper. But naps turn into sleep and once I'm down...I am grumpy grumpy mcgrumperson so don't wake me!

g-girl said...

I nap but I am not a systematic napper. Sometimes, I just fall asleep. It happens! By the way, Happy Birthday! :)