Finally Friday (a day late)
With the onset of summer vacation, I can't say that I am as relieved to get to Friday as the other people in the world who have to work over the summer. I am glad for my fiance, though, who I get to spend much more time with over the weekends. Looking back at my first full week of summer break, I see a lot of things that have been good. I have stuck to my diet the whole week, more out of necessity, since I have been broke the whole week and couldn't afford going out to eat. I have gotten out of the apartment and exercised for two of the past five days, and now, I even have a new/used elliptical taking up half of my living room that I'm looking forward to using. I think I'll be able to survive this vacation. Last summer I ended up in a weepy mess toward the end because I was going stir crazy in this apartment. I think I have plenty to keep me occupied, and if not, I have the elliptical to help me stay happy. Because as Elle Woods from "Legally Blonde" put it: "Exercise gives you endorphines, endorphines make you happy..." She went on to say that happy people just don't shoot their husbands, but in my case, happy people just don't get depressed and bored over summer break.
haha. that is cool that you have been keeping up with your exercise and that you now have an elliptical of your own!
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