Back at it

I’ve come to realize that blogging is difficult. In the past I have had so many ideas and goals for my blog, but sadly, after a burst of blogging energy, my niche in cyberspace has gone un-updated for more than a year. The difficulty level of blogging, in my mind, is in direct proportion to how much free time a person has. During the school year, my time is consumed with writing lesson plans and grading papers. The miniscule amount of free time that I do get is spent with knitting needles or a crochet hook in my hand rather than updating my blog. However, I now find myself with a two-month supply of free time, known as summer break. Years ago, I was an ambitious, new teacher and wanted to spend my summer working. Granted, I never got hired anywhere and I have long since given up trying to find a summer job. I am in my first full week of summer break and I am already bored. I have a to-do list of goals that I would like to accomplish this summer. Maybe I’ll even accomplish them this time (I never do). Blogging isn’t on the list, but since it’s my list, I can change it as I see fit. Even before the summer, I have been tinkering around with some ideas for things to write about, and I don’t see any other time more perfect than now to write and keep my blog updated. I have created a weekly agenda of topics and themes that I will be sticking to, so please check back often.

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g-girl said...

jealous!! Your summer break began in early June??? not fair. We go back at about the same time to. Will be writing soon. I hear you on not having time to blog. It sucks.