The mood is striking...

I have recently fallen off the blogging bandwagon, but have decided to get back on. I have so many things to keep me busy, but tonight, I am feeling the desire to write. This is odd because it's Wednesday...the mood to write usually strikes on a Friday or Saturday night when I am up late and it's quiet in the apartment. Not the case tonight. The whole reason I started keeping a blog was to get my writing out there. I probably will never be able to write a book, but I still love to write. Unfortunately, other hobbies and being a teacher/having homework has gotten in the way. I spend my free time knitting and have even stopped reading books because I'm knitting so much. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to take a knitting hiatus, but I would like to get back to my original two loves...reading and writing. I have a piece of writing that I started on a while ago. It's unfinished, but I think I'm ready now to finish it and get it 'published' as much as posting it on a blog can mean 'published'. I'd like to get in the habit of posting once a week. So for anybody out there who may happen upon this sorely neglected on the lookout for coming attractions.

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g-girl said...

while you spend your free time knitting, mine is spent vegging in front of the tv. lol. everything has fallen by the wayside but you know how that is! good luck with trying to post at least once a week. :)